Friday, April 02, 2010


The surveillance footage POV, what a creepy damn Friday the 13th open.

Then, man, going back through, really found myself unable to on any level detect that Sun and Jin weren’t married in the LA timeline. Made it halfway through the second time of that security guy telling Jin he’d have to file paperwork for the 25K before realizing that she wasn’t messing with him, neither one of them spoke English and were really just getting hustled out of Customs after being fleeced. Jin dropping the No Marry accompanied by the naked ring finger was quite a moment.

Sayid’s bit about being numb, devoid of emotion, makes you think Ben’s been that way all this time. Which makes just all kinds of sense.

And before that dart hit Sawyer, I fell for the same bit with Charlie back at the top of BKV’s 3.18 debut, really thought for an instant that Jin just got taken out at the top of his –centric, which, I’m sure he’s still got much to do, but I hope so because that would have been a really brilliant and insane move to make, and I always hate it that doesn’t wind up happening.

Best dialogue all episode: the bait and switch when Lapidus interrupts Miles and you think he’s standing up for Hurley but the line is just, “Hey, don’t talk about bacon.” Marvelous delivery.

So, Ilana is Locke, by the way, filling in the archetype/role this last time out.

Wow, Jin drops his first No right before Sun undoes her first button. That’s brilliant. And just a small example why two viewings per week is the bare minimum for appreciating the scope of this thing.

How hilarious and creepy is the Locke Monster’s argument for why Sun should come with him? He jump-cuts right from that sweetly scored, “I gave all those people I killed at the Temple a choice, Sun,” to “and I’ll give you the same choice, too. Come with me, or not.” I mean, that’s not much of a choice, is it?

Sun clobbering herself upside the tree might be the Greatest FlashCut of All Time. Definitely nudging right up against Goldman’s work in 4.05, which is appropriate considering the cliffhanger.

Great how the scene with Ben and Sun cuts away after “Locke” and we don’t realize right then that she’s lost English.

Certainly wasn’t looking for Room 23 as the answer to Where’s Jin? Really had to keep it down not to ruin anybody else’s experience.

So, Locke says Kate’s name wasn’t on the wall. I didn’t see it either, but she’s #51. Why is she no longer a candidate? What did she do? Murder’s off the table, as Sawyer and Sayid are still viable prospects, as far as I can tell. The three people Locke Monster needs are Jack, Hurley and undead Sayid, since:


he’s already got Sawyer and Jin. Actually, the fact that he doesn’t have Sun and is saying three is pretty decent evidence that it’s Jin not Sun.

The look on Anthony Azizi’s face when he walks in the door is priceless. Got to be in the pantheon of best guest entrances of all time, Kramer, jump off the roof.

Mikhail! Grar!

I was sure hoping for but not counting on this last stand of Martin Kimi. Durand surpasses his previous career best.

And what a great almost-mirror having Sun lose English here at the end. I think we found out in the sixth episode that she could speak it, first time one of them dropped Korean. Now, with seven episodes left, she’s back to the native language.

And so the War shall be fought between Widmore and the Locke Monster. You always knew it was coming, and I think this time really it is, just wouldn’t have guessed that these would be the factions after all the bait and switching, Jack vs. Locke, Ben vs. Widmore, never figured the monster would be one of the sides. If they’re not just messing with us, even now.

Sun’s indecipherable tirade is magnificent.

I love when Azizi (just not right to call him Omar, you know?) yips back with the I’m an Arab, you know? bit and Kimi comes back with this parallel’s version of “Get the chopper started, Frank.” Same look in those eyes.

The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants.

God, what crushing delivery. Durand hits the afterburners. The smile, that look in his eyes.

Right when Widmore tells Zoe to take the package to the infirmary, I’m hoping it’s just going to be some writhing mass of alien tentacles but pretty sure that’s not going to be the case. First impression, though.

So Widmore says that if Locke Monster gets off the Island, their loved ones and, by implication from the way he phrased it, everything simply ceases to be. These are the stakes, people.

Referring to Desmond as “The Package” the night before the “Medicinal Fried Chicken” episode of SOUTHPARK airs is a pretty unfortunate damn convergence, but I guess everything happens for a reason.

That Sayid sure does have the sleepy-eyed Got You Covered look down pat in LA.

“Sun, move away.” That is some career-worst bad advice, Jin. The opposite of fortuitous. Stand riiiiiiight over there . . .

Then all of a sudden it’s the end of THE DEPARTED and Jin Darkos Mikhail + Sun is pregnant! Possibly with Jin’s baby, ohmyfuckinGod you guys! No great surprise on this show, we get one of the two dangling LA cliffhangers resolved with another cliffhanger. Can’t wait to see how we cross back into the Sawyer and Kate in the alley thread.

I totally, once and hopefully not never again, called this episode title, but with the caveat that anybody had to agree that the sentimental favorite was “One Stubborn Tomato.” That would have been fantastic.

The countdown timer to V returning, particularly after juxtaposing the content of that episode with this one, was of course maddening throughout. I managed to keep the rage choked down until Sun held her pad up underneath it. Frothy rage!

But even so, that scene really laid into me, the look on Sun’s face when Jack asked if she trusted him. Just a crushing trick, all of a sudden on the way out, making language moot, the look she gives him saying everything.

It is wild how many conflicting agendas we have with this many weeks left:

1)Locke Monster escaping via Ajira 316 (if he’s to be believed), presumably after having eliminated all the Candidates.

2)Widmore stopping this from happening.

3)Sawyer and Kate hijacking Widmore’s sub and escaping, with the help of pluck and an operations manual.

4)Jack reuniting the Kwons and helping them escape via Ajira 316.

5)Alpert leading Ilana and some faction to destroy Ajira 316, so that no one can escape.

And Sayid was totally channeling 80s Wolverine with that tidal surveillance. Great look between him and Desmond. It’s good to have you back, Brothah!

It might not be official, based on how they reckon double-episodes, but next week is the 108th time that a new episode airs. Get ready.


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