Tuesday, March 23, 2010

>: 105 RECON

Nice to get a “Son of a bitch,” as the opening line of dialogue to set the tone for a Sawyer-centric. This one had the bar set pretty high after LAFLEUR, which I think I enjoyed pound-for-pound more than any other installment last season (finales don’t count). Great to have Sawyer (or, I guess, here: Jim) reference it with that codeword. And hilarious for Miles to be his partner. Can’t believe we never got an “I’m driving!” That was all this one needed (and, man, really thought it was coming in that last scene with them, when he drives up and tells Miles to get in, squandered opportunity).

Two contenders from that opening LA scene would have made better episode titles, I thought: “Unbelievable” and “A Lousy Con Man.”

Oh, that is one creepy damn thing Claire’s keeping in Aaron’s crib.

That guy sitting with his back to the camera behind Sawyer when he’s calling the Anthony Coopers, that guy is totally rocking Olmos’s Castillo mustache from MIAMI VICE. I thought the pastels were about to come roaring back. But, speaking of calling the Coopers and Sawyers, the guy he wants is in LA, right? On good terms with his son?

In the conversation that gives us the title, Locke Monster and Sawyer just sail right by “The Best Liar (I Ever Met)” and “Do Me Harm,” which would have been a nice little callback to 1.20. Oh, well.

Great scene with Charlotte. They sold the chemistry. Though it was a little bit forced, him heading off to get the water, setting the conflict up. Meant to say, at the station when Miles is first setting them up, he mentions that she works at the museum with his dad. Totally missed that the first time through, crazy thing to just throw out there. The DHARMA Legacy. And, of course, Sawyer has now bagged two redheads in the first third of the episode. To think Shephard ever stood a chance.

Pretty sure that Sawyer could have found those bodies by smell alone even before following the trail their dragging created. That has to be one ripe beach.

Liam! That is one face I never expected to see again.

“She opened the wrong drawer.” Isn’t that always the way? Classic.

And should have known that Sawyer would get that opening scene flipped on him, Zoe whistling up Schillinger from OZ’s kid. Weird, doesn’t look like that guy’s aged a day in ten years, but Walt and Zack and Emma, you just can’t keep them contained.

“Had Things Been Different,” would have made probably the best title. That’s maybe the most development overall this week, the Locke Monster telling Kate about his crazy mother. What does it all mean?!? Forget if I said so last week or just meant to, but that scene with Locke talking to Ben while he’s digging his grave, all of a sudden it hit me, that O’Quinn is just straight-up in Season One mode, Parable Locke walks among us again, and it would be an interesting retcon (I mean, they COULDN’T have had this down in Fall 2004) to have Locke always been the button-pushing loser from Season Two but all those episodes in the first season when he first won us over in five-minute increments, when he’d just walk out of the jungle and drop the sickness about Michelangelo’s David or the dog his sister was not reincarnated as, THAT was really the Monster, just nudging everybody along. Though, thinking about it now, that story about his dead sister and his mom being despondent and all, no way that locks up with the later Locke backstory involving Swoosie Kurtz as an also-crazy mama. Possible that this was in fact Monster backstory, set up many many years in advance? Investigate further, with true face.

Sawyer watching Little House and eating a TV dinner is the most crushing scene of the week, no question. Every line in there is too much. “Laughing and loving each other.” “It’s hard not being afraid, Pa.” I’m sure most of Little House, when viewed through a L O S T lens, takes on quite a bit more weight and depth. And man, Landon still beats them all, Cosby, Steven Keaton, everybody.

This is the second time we end an LA flash-sideways with a cliffhanger, the same trick of the –centric character randomly bumping into another non-castaway. A couple of weeks ago, it was Sayid and Jin, this time Kate comes running back into Sawyer’s life. Interesting, because we’ve already seen this particular model of Sawyer let/help her get away back at LAX last week. Wondering how they’re going to follow up on these. It would be insane if they’re trapdooring a bunch of cliffhangers that will all get resolved in the series finale. Soon, too soon, we’ll know.

This was a quieter episode, solid character work with Sawyer. Of course, surprising no one, when it all comes down to it, the only side he’s on is his own, but Freckles is always invited to ride shotgun.


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