Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Did anybody else get a McGoohan vibe from the way they filmed that first scene? That stalking translator strongly recalled the opening credits of THE PRISONER. Maybe it’s just the drums.

Not a fan of post-Juliet Sawyer as of yet, with the exception of the delivery of the line, “Thinking about running, Kate,” which is all kinds of just what I needed.

Oh, Artz, how many times will we see you? Jack on the phone outside the terminal will surely mean more when we get around to his episode. And then Kate just straight up mugs Claire and kicks her to the curb. Welcome to America, darling!

Sayid’s lines come across in a very different way if you go ahead and believe (which, at this point, why not?) that that’s not really him in there.

Ha, and Sawyer throws the “Don’t come after me,” at Kate! First time he’s ever quoted the doc, I’ve no doubt. So, the new boss deigning to speak English to keep Sawyer to stay with them, it’s that important that he stays? Why? We’ve been led around so long, trusting that there are going to be in-story reasons for all of this madness, not just “the writers thought up a bunch of cool shit but had to string us along in this particular sequence to maximize the cool.” I’m not saying that I’ve lost faith, but it’s pretty hard at this point for me to work up much concern over the consequences of letting Sawyer traipse wherever he pleases on the Island. And this needs to track better going back through it once we know the whole story. It gets a pass for now, but it’s hard to fathom how the Big Answer is going to include the reason that Sawyer had to stay with the others, or why Sayid staying alive was so crucial. Of course, maybe that last will become apparent from all the horrible things that result from it not happening. We will see.

Totally did not recognize the Hawking reader guarding Karl’s brainwashing in 3.07 who rolled in with the gun. But a redshirt, nonetheless.

The mechanic who helps Kate out might be the best incidental character in the entire series. I never thought about it before, but he sure kills every nuance of that scene. A question for much later.

When Kate told Jack, “I’ll take care of James, you take care of Sayid,” I needed him to grab her and drop the Lois Lane classic, “You’ve got me? Who’s got YOU?!?!?” Oh, why can’t you two see that you’re the only ones for each other? Quit trying to save everybody who falls down bleeding across your path and tracking bad boys across the Island and just give in already! Go to the caves!

First time through, that torture scene with Sayid made me empathize with him so much, it wasn’t until he was screaming with the red-hot poker in his chest that I realized he was completely out of character, and that that was the point. I can’t decide if I buy it with these new Others. Both of the main actors are solid, but something about their scenes are blocking my engagement with the show. Like, I can see the strings, can’t even imagine that these guys have been running around behind the scenes the entire time, in a way that I gladly welcomed Mikhail into the fold three years ago. Of COURSE there’s a Russian with his one eye trained on everything that’s been going down in the DHARMA stations. Not feeling that with these guys. Again, they haven’t soured me, but I’m not just bowled over and immediately on board in the way that I was with Desmond or Season Three Tom.

Oh! New guy Justin’s cut off “I think he means the one that landed . . .” in reference to Jin’s Ajira enquiries suddenly seems to me like it COULD have ended with a “________ years ago.” No reason to assume that the crew from ’77 just showed up in the present next to the Ben/Locke Monster/Alpert crew (let’s just truncate that posse to the Lapidus Gang, yah?).

If you save Kate from a boobytrap, there is a very good chance that she will spring it on you inside of five minutes later.

Haha, so obvious! When Jack asks Sayid why they tortured him, the correct answer, Fake SaYID, is that you DESERVE IT. Because you are A BAD MAN. The interplay between the two main guys leading the Others gets better in the scene with Jack. I love how Miyagi tries to rope Jack in with the big redemption speech. Really expected him to go for it.

Sayid telling Hurley he’s not a zombie seems like the truest thing out of that mouth this time around.

Miles’s food court line freaks me out.

Naveen Andrews is really playing it well, much more the Sayid imposter then the actual character. All that weird eyebrow rising while talking to Jack.

Kate’s “Are you kidding me?” to Claire is perfect, so true.

Really strange seeing the girls standing on that lady’s front porch in the oh so clean clothes that they should have to keep wearing for like a season.

Ethan! Sporting a bedside manner that could put either Shephard to shame. “Your boy just likes to move around,” kind of seems to have a subtext there. But the winner has to be, “You did great, Mommy,” that last forever unsettling coming out of that mouth.

Maybe it’s just because I’ve always been a Sawyer/Kate proponent, but was not a fan of the dock scene. After three episodes in a row, never need to see Sawyer cry again. Numbers be damned. Never needed to see it once.

Was just positive that pill was going down Jack’s hatch the moment it came out. Perfectly in character.

So, what’s the deal? Take-home from this episode is that Sayid’s a bad guy in the same way that Ben and Claire are. (And it’s pretty likely at this point that after the Christian/LockeMonster led Claire away at the end of 4.09, he maybe just got her to drown herself in some other sacred or anti-sacred pool to finish crossing over, something like what we saw with Sayid and didn’t see with Lil’ Ben.) Also, that in the other timeline, they’re not intrinsically damned. After that premiere set-up, I was pretty sure that all of their lives were going to just be wrecked after landing at LAnospaceX, but so far so good, at least as far as it goes with Aaron’s two mommies. Big news, though, is that after 21 episodes on the bench, Claire is back on-camera in the original timeline. I think we have to believe the leader, though (and I need to stop calling him Miyagi now, Togun, he said his name was?), we know she was hanging out in Jacob’s old cabin with his nemesis. As ever, it all boils down to: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THIS ISLAND?

POISON, INFECTED, or CLAIMED might have done for episode title, but seemed pretty generic, so I was thinking it didn’t come from a line of dialogue but was a bit more out there, decided to go with WHAT KATE DID, PART 2.

No cigar, but even the wife was impressed, which is really saying something, at this point. That present tense, though, still not sure what to make of it. Only that it feels like a trump, as far as picking timelines goes.


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