Monday, March 01, 2010


Totally looking for the White Rabbit sequel, opened up a bottle of Jacob’s Creek because it was the last fourth episode, and lo and behold, we get the double-shot of Jack’s shift being that he has a son in the flash-sideways 2004 timeline, followed by Jacob in fact showing up and enlisting Hugo’s assistance. Crazy thing about Jack’s appendix. How could Juliet’s detonation really have rippled out to whether or not a kid had an appendix taken out when he was of course 8?

And Jack’s clearly going to be wading in daddy issues in any permutation, even from the other side of the table. His kid comes off like a punk in his first couple of scenes.

It’s pretty wonderful how they stage that shot of Hugo in the hallway, all of a sudden recreating the frame of him coming into the Swan refrigerator in the middle of 2.03 while dropping the A-Team credits, we are already in the middle of a Cuse/Lindelof/Bender production.

Huge scene between Jack and Hurley. Feels so first season right from the top, something we see laced throughout the entire episode, a sense that everything’s cycled back around, we’ve come through all the flashing every which direction and it’s just going to be two guys stalking or surely at some point running through the jungle in search of, damn it, answers. Fantastic exchange between the two of them when Hurley drops the “You have what it takes” line.

And aw man, the little dressed-up skull in the crib in Claire’s tent. Jin always gets saddled with the creepy shit, from the teddy bear to witnessing pregnant Danielle dispense justice upon her infected countrymen.

I’m not too concerned about the dilemma that the captured fella drops on old Jin, though, pretty sure from the get-go that she’s not going to kill “us” but is pretty likely to straight-up murder “you” by episode’s end.

Another great retro-classic scene is that bit with Kate drawing on Jack, then their first lines to each other. Ridiculous. If you’re dropping the series highlight reel, you can pretty much cut out the rest of their other bits and throw in that four-second exchange to mostly convey the dynamic between the two of them.

After the scene of Claire stitching up Jin, MY FRIEND leaps ahead of the pack as potential episode title. Punctuated by her grabbing the ax and looking at poor ol wasn’t his name Justin?

Then there’s A TERRIBLE DAD.

And we find Shannon’s inhaler and Adam and Eve. Before Hurley just straight up drops the Adam & Eve theory that’s been haunting us ever since the flashes began! It is all coming round.

David’s mom, Julie Bowen or not, lives at #23, of course. And there’s the old key-under-the-white-rabbit trick again. Followed by sheet music for the Chopin piece that dominated Faraday.

And so weird, that bit with Jack listening to the message he left for his son, calling from Sydney, only of course that didn’t happen prior to Episode One the first time through, it’s a new development caused by whatever happened at the end of THE INCIDENT, which, logic now tells us was not how it went down after all, but a change that somehow sank the whole damn island and caused all these shifts like Jack suddenly having a surly covert ivory tinkler on his hands.

And Hurley goes ahead and just references how in fact old school all this jungle-traipsing is. Good times!

“I came here because I was broken, and I was stupid enough to think this place could fix me.” is an incredible turn of phrase that is still vile enough to completely disavow Bearded Jack. Unforgivable! But, yeah, everything coming round. All Jack’s character growth has brought him right back around to do (as in, a female deer).

Claire, however, is an ax murderer! Now that is some character development that I can get behind. Wonderful staging, there.

Ha, and Jack drops the Sayid kickdown the door routine with Hugo, capped off by the requisite, “After you.”

Then, crazy bit Giacchino does, swelling up over the Chopin piece, great how even when we can’t hear those choppy chords David is playing at the climax, Bender throws in a shot of them getting played anyways. And of course wild to bump into Dogo over on this side, too.

And then that damn wheel at the top house with a candidate at every degree. That is some insane shit to just drop out of nowhere. The first legible pan gives us a peak at Candidates 95 – 128.

95: Greeson (?)
Rattison (?)
Boo . .(?)
100: Bonaparte (?)
Raa (?)
108: Wallace
Friendly (Tom, right? Weird, that being the name)
Tanada (Dogo?)
Barquis (?)
Padd . . .

Then there’s a second pan down the 70s into the 30s. I’m not going to squint at and transcribe every one of those damn names too at the moment, you only get one for free per evening, but it’s worth noting that Kate does show up at 51 in the same shot where we see one or both Kwons occupying degree #42. Guess we didn’t see Ilana’s name on the wheel, since I didn’t spot anything that might have been her last name that wasn’t crossed off. Still trying to figure out where those two fit in with the other 6/7 bits that comprised last week’s Contact with Jacob montage. Do I see Ozymandias at 36, though? Even tossing out Veidt, that’s a pretty insane concept. I mean, was Alexander the Great a Candidate?

12: Foster
Pryce (this is Ryan, no relation to The Best Damn Preacher Money Can’t Buy, the former of whom got run over by Hurley at the climax of 3.22)
Kueffner (?)
Our own Danielle Rousseau hanging out at #20
23:SHEPHARD (REALLY carved in there, like a crazy person has maybe been spending too many afternoons with a knife at that particular segment of the wheel)
Dappie (?)

And what an insane thing, the degree wheel opens a window into the home base of the assigned candidate? Could Jacob also jump through and just drop in on folks at the opportune instant? That was my knee-jerk. Pretty insane mode of transportation, but much more conducive to showing up at so many key moments.

Thing is, all those supporting characters showing up on the wheel, Linus & Radzinsky the names springing to mind at the moment, what about main folks in the cast who didn’t make last week's main list of candidates? (6 for the numbers, unless you want to count both Kwons, and why not throw Kate in as well at 51 if you want to make it an even 8?) Key names such as Reyes, Chang, Hume.

And, again, we’re all positive of whatever crazy thing Jack’s going to do as soon as it occurs to him, it’s all in the eyes! Fox is killing it. Particularly foolish decision to wreck the mirror if it was in fact some kind of crazy portal off-Island.

Oh, and then Hurley and Jacob start dropping a whole new batch of title candidates! Seven Years of Bad Luck. Ink On Your Forehead. Mission Unaccomplished.

But then Claire comes back around and really sells My Friend. Man, I just wrote her off, so certain that she was dead and a spirit, and I guess she still could be, but I need a satisfactory reason that she left her baby that isn’t she was told, “You're dead, dear.” Was certain that the Locke Monster was her friend, since he was almost certainly all the incarnations of Christian we’ve seen throughout and Claire was last seen with same, just really the only option.

Great episode, gave us that wheel and then of course wrecked the main apparatus, told us for the 23rd time how important Jack is, and moved us along a couple of steps closer to endgame. Was so certain John Terry would show up in at least one of the timelines, but when we’re expecting him at a crucial juncture one place or the other, the focus remains on the new father-son dynamic. Christian Shephard, benched on a Jack-centric episode, unheard of (not counting that first flashforward trick in 3.22).

Who the hell is Wallace? Jacob Wallace? I was sure looking for 108 degrees to be him. Or maybe Richard's real name? Back when he was just a slave on the Black Rock?

It will be over before we want it to be, Island Faithful. Namaste and I bow to you!


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