Been meaning to do this for a while now. This isn't every question ever posed on the series but it's sure most of them, including ones that have been answered. I probably could've fudged another 19 already-answereds but we'll save the space for future episodes. Quite a bit dangling, here:
Why/how did the plane crash? (1.1, partial answer in 2.23: Desmond didn’t push the button)
Is it significant that Jack and Vincent begin the series so much further away in the jungle from everybody else, particularly in light of how Ana later realized that Goodwin was an Other? (he wasn’t wet/came in from the woods) (1.1)
Really, how could everyone have survived? (1.1)
4) What killed the pilot? (1.1, answered, mostly, 2.10 and 3.5: a black-smoke monster)
Who sent the scary French radio transmission? (1.2, answered 1.9: Danielle)
What did Kate do? (1.3, answered 2.9: blew up Wayne)
Sawyer or Jack? (1.3, mostly answered in 3.6, but we’ll see)
8) Did the island heal Locke? How? (1.4, Rose too in 2.19)
How did Locke lose the use of his legs four years before the crash? (1.4)
What happened when Locke saw “the face of the island”? (1.4, partial answers in 2.10 and 3.5: smoke monster and “a bright shining light”)
Who knocked out Sayid when he was working on the radio? (1.4, answered 1.21: Locke)
Who are Adam and Eve? (1.5)
Where did Christian Shephard’s body go? (1.5)
Why is Sayid’s compass screwy? (1.5, answered in season 2: the Swan’s EM anomaly)
15) What’s with the cable into the ocean, first found by Sayid? (1.9)
16) Is there a virus on the island? (1.9, 2.1, 2.15, possibly refuted in 2.23)
What’s with that whispering in the woods? (1.9, etc)
Who are the Others? (1.10, 1.24, 2.5, 2.11, 2.23 etc)
What did Claire’s psychic know?/What’s up with the baby? (1.10)
What happened to Claire when Ethan abducted her? (1.11, answered in flashback 2.15)
What is in the hatch? (1.11, answered, gradually 2.1-2.3: Desmond and the button and many many more questions)
Who was Kate married to? (as revealed to Sawyer during a round of “I Never”, 1.12, answered 3.6: Mac from Serenity)
23) What’s with Kate’s toy plane? (1.12, answered 1.22: it was her dead boyfriend’s)
Is Walt generating the polar bears from the comic? (1.14)
What happened to Sawyer on the Florida job? (1.16)
Why was the radio tower blaring the cursed numbers before Danielle changed it? (1.18)
What is the significance of the Leonard’s cursed numbers? (1.18, somewhat covered in 2, not fully answered for my $)
What’s with that crashed plane with the Nigerian priest? (1.19, answered 2.10: Eko was running drugs)
Who was on the other end of the CB with poor ol Boone? (1.19, answered 2.7: Bernard)
How did the pirate ship The Black Rock get so far inland? (1.24)
Who took Walt? (1.24, answered 2.22)
WHAT caused so much interconnectedness in the survivors’ pre-crash lives? (throughout, epitomized by the Jack/Desmond tour de stade/Swan connection in 2.1)
How did Jack heal Sarah? (2.1)
Did that shark that swam by Sawyer have a logo and why? (2.2, mostly covered in 3)
What was the Incident? (2.3)
What was the final fate of the Degroots and the DHARMA Initiative? (2.3)
How does Alvar Hanso relate to what's happening on the island now? (2.3)
Is that the reason the Swan is armed to the teeth? (2.1)
Is that button for real? (2.3, answered definitively in 2.23: yes)
What’s with the vaccine we see injected into Desmond and Claire? (2.1, 2.15)
Why are the “good” ones being captured by the Others and where are they now? (2.7)
42) How was the monster able to show Eko pivotal scenes from his life? (2.10)
Who is Jack’s wife’s Other Man? (2.11, 3.1)
The Others are wearing disguises, aren’t they? (2.15, answered 2.23: yes)
Who is “him” that Zeke referred to when conferring with Ethan outside Claire’s door? (2.15, most likely answered in 2:23: Ben)
Why are the Others so interested in children? (see: Walt, Alex, Aaron, Emma and Zack from the tail) (2.15)
The hell is going on with the sdarwkcab-talking Walt projection? (2.1, 2.6)
Is Henry Gale telling the truth? (2.14, answered 2.17: of course not)
What was Benjamin Linus actually doing on the island when he got trapped? (2.14, not answered if you don’t believe the line he gave Locke about coming for him in 2.17)(and I don’t)
Sun slept with Jae Lee, the English teacher, didn’t she? (2.16, answered 3.2: yep)
Who made the map? (2.17, answered 2.23: Kelvin and Radzinsky)
Who’s making the supply drops and what do they know? (2.17)
Who’s the real Henry Gale? (2.17)
How does Libby’s appearance at the Hanso mental facility with Hurley jibe with what she’s told us? / What’s Libby’s story? (2.18)
Who’s Christian Shephard’s Australian daughter? (2.20, not answered but Claire seems most obvious if it’s someone we already know)
What’s the real story with the Pearl and the other hatches? What’s the real experiment? What happened to the other crews or the DHARMA Initiative in general? (2.21)
And what was with the powdery mineral samples on the table in the Pearl? (2.21)
And the cigarette, still burning as Locke and Eko crept in? (2.21)
What do the Others want with the four people on Michael’s list? (2.22, partial answers in 2.23 and 3.5: Hurley, to tell; Jack, to perform another miracle)
Why couldn’t Desmond escape when he sailed due west for nine days? (2.23)
What is the deal with the 108-minute electromagnetic anomaly? (2.23)
The four-toed statue? (2.23)
Is a compass bearing of 325 all it takes to get off the island? (2.23)
Will we ever see Walt and Michael again? (2.23)
What happened, exactly, when Desmond hit the failsafe? (2.23)
Is something masking the island from observance from the outer world? (2.23)
How did the crash of 815 change the Others' life on the island from book clubs in the village to disguises and psychological games within games? (3.1)
And where ARE those other people from the Book Club now, anyway? (3.1)
What what WHAT is Benjamin Linus’s story? (3.2)
How can Desmond’s boat possibly be news to the Others, since it’s been on the island for three years? (3.2)
Was Eko sending Locke a message via scripture? JOHN 3.05 (3.3)
Is Desmond traveling through nonlinear time after being at the epicenter of the implosion? (3.3, 3.4)
Does Sawyer really have a daughter in Albuquerque? (3.4)
Was Ben lying to Sawyer about the other island? (3.4)
If so, how did the Others transfer Jack, Kate and Sawyer there? (3.4)
Whose x-rays? (3.4, answered 3.5: Ben’s)
Does Juliet being a fertility doctor have anything to do with the children obsession? (3.4)
Why won’t the island heal Ben? (3.5)
Can Jack trust Juliet? (3.5)
Who is the man with the eyepatch? (3.5)
Was the Yemi Eko addressed his last words to really the cloud that killed him? (3.5)
And if so, could it also be Kate’s horse (2.9) and Dave (2.18)?
What IS with all the dead people showing up? (Yemi, Boone, Ana-Lucia, Christian) (3.5, 3.3, 2.21, 1.5, respectively)
Whatever it is, why did the monster kill Eko this time? (3.5)
Why didn’t Ben grab Jack earlier in the series, since he’s known about the tumor all this time? (3.6)
What is Ben and Alex’s interest in each other? (3.6)
What do the Others have Sawyer and Kate working on? (3.6)
Who is Jacob and what’s the significance of HIS list? (3.6)
What will happen in Episode 3.7? RUN!!!! (to be answered 2/7/07)
Why/how did the plane crash? (1.1, partial answer in 2.23: Desmond didn’t push the button)
Is it significant that Jack and Vincent begin the series so much further away in the jungle from everybody else, particularly in light of how Ana later realized that Goodwin was an Other? (he wasn’t wet/came in from the woods) (1.1)
Really, how could everyone have survived? (1.1)
4) What killed the pilot? (1.1, answered, mostly, 2.10 and 3.5: a black-smoke monster)
Who sent the scary French radio transmission? (1.2, answered 1.9: Danielle)
What did Kate do? (1.3, answered 2.9: blew up Wayne)
Sawyer or Jack? (1.3, mostly answered in 3.6, but we’ll see)
8) Did the island heal Locke? How? (1.4, Rose too in 2.19)
How did Locke lose the use of his legs four years before the crash? (1.4)
What happened when Locke saw “the face of the island”? (1.4, partial answers in 2.10 and 3.5: smoke monster and “a bright shining light”)
Who knocked out Sayid when he was working on the radio? (1.4, answered 1.21: Locke)
Who are Adam and Eve? (1.5)
Where did Christian Shephard’s body go? (1.5)
Why is Sayid’s compass screwy? (1.5, answered in season 2: the Swan’s EM anomaly)
15) What’s with the cable into the ocean, first found by Sayid? (1.9)
16) Is there a virus on the island? (1.9, 2.1, 2.15, possibly refuted in 2.23)
What’s with that whispering in the woods? (1.9, etc)
Who are the Others? (1.10, 1.24, 2.5, 2.11, 2.23 etc)
What did Claire’s psychic know?/What’s up with the baby? (1.10)
What happened to Claire when Ethan abducted her? (1.11, answered in flashback 2.15)
What is in the hatch? (1.11, answered, gradually 2.1-2.3: Desmond and the button and many many more questions)
Who was Kate married to? (as revealed to Sawyer during a round of “I Never”, 1.12, answered 3.6: Mac from Serenity)
23) What’s with Kate’s toy plane? (1.12, answered 1.22: it was her dead boyfriend’s)
Is Walt generating the polar bears from the comic? (1.14)
What happened to Sawyer on the Florida job? (1.16)
Why was the radio tower blaring the cursed numbers before Danielle changed it? (1.18)
What is the significance of the Leonard’s cursed numbers? (1.18, somewhat covered in 2, not fully answered for my $)
What’s with that crashed plane with the Nigerian priest? (1.19, answered 2.10: Eko was running drugs)
Who was on the other end of the CB with poor ol Boone? (1.19, answered 2.7: Bernard)
How did the pirate ship The Black Rock get so far inland? (1.24)
Who took Walt? (1.24, answered 2.22)
WHAT caused so much interconnectedness in the survivors’ pre-crash lives? (throughout, epitomized by the Jack/Desmond tour de stade/Swan connection in 2.1)
How did Jack heal Sarah? (2.1)
Did that shark that swam by Sawyer have a logo and why? (2.2, mostly covered in 3)
What was the Incident? (2.3)
What was the final fate of the Degroots and the DHARMA Initiative? (2.3)
How does Alvar Hanso relate to what's happening on the island now? (2.3)
Is that the reason the Swan is armed to the teeth? (2.1)
Is that button for real? (2.3, answered definitively in 2.23: yes)
What’s with the vaccine we see injected into Desmond and Claire? (2.1, 2.15)
Why are the “good” ones being captured by the Others and where are they now? (2.7)
42) How was the monster able to show Eko pivotal scenes from his life? (2.10)
Who is Jack’s wife’s Other Man? (2.11, 3.1)
The Others are wearing disguises, aren’t they? (2.15, answered 2.23: yes)
Who is “him” that Zeke referred to when conferring with Ethan outside Claire’s door? (2.15, most likely answered in 2:23: Ben)
Why are the Others so interested in children? (see: Walt, Alex, Aaron, Emma and Zack from the tail) (2.15)
The hell is going on with the sdarwkcab-talking Walt projection? (2.1, 2.6)
Is Henry Gale telling the truth? (2.14, answered 2.17: of course not)
What was Benjamin Linus actually doing on the island when he got trapped? (2.14, not answered if you don’t believe the line he gave Locke about coming for him in 2.17)(and I don’t)
Sun slept with Jae Lee, the English teacher, didn’t she? (2.16, answered 3.2: yep)
Who made the map? (2.17, answered 2.23: Kelvin and Radzinsky)
Who’s making the supply drops and what do they know? (2.17)
Who’s the real Henry Gale? (2.17)
How does Libby’s appearance at the Hanso mental facility with Hurley jibe with what she’s told us? / What’s Libby’s story? (2.18)
Who’s Christian Shephard’s Australian daughter? (2.20, not answered but Claire seems most obvious if it’s someone we already know)
What’s the real story with the Pearl and the other hatches? What’s the real experiment? What happened to the other crews or the DHARMA Initiative in general? (2.21)
And what was with the powdery mineral samples on the table in the Pearl? (2.21)
And the cigarette, still burning as Locke and Eko crept in? (2.21)
What do the Others want with the four people on Michael’s list? (2.22, partial answers in 2.23 and 3.5: Hurley, to tell; Jack, to perform another miracle)
Why couldn’t Desmond escape when he sailed due west for nine days? (2.23)
What is the deal with the 108-minute electromagnetic anomaly? (2.23)
The four-toed statue? (2.23)
Is a compass bearing of 325 all it takes to get off the island? (2.23)
Will we ever see Walt and Michael again? (2.23)
What happened, exactly, when Desmond hit the failsafe? (2.23)
Is something masking the island from observance from the outer world? (2.23)
How did the crash of 815 change the Others' life on the island from book clubs in the village to disguises and psychological games within games? (3.1)
And where ARE those other people from the Book Club now, anyway? (3.1)
What what WHAT is Benjamin Linus’s story? (3.2)
How can Desmond’s boat possibly be news to the Others, since it’s been on the island for three years? (3.2)
Was Eko sending Locke a message via scripture? JOHN 3.05 (3.3)
Is Desmond traveling through nonlinear time after being at the epicenter of the implosion? (3.3, 3.4)
Does Sawyer really have a daughter in Albuquerque? (3.4)
Was Ben lying to Sawyer about the other island? (3.4)
If so, how did the Others transfer Jack, Kate and Sawyer there? (3.4)
Whose x-rays? (3.4, answered 3.5: Ben’s)
Does Juliet being a fertility doctor have anything to do with the children obsession? (3.4)
Why won’t the island heal Ben? (3.5)
Can Jack trust Juliet? (3.5)
Who is the man with the eyepatch? (3.5)
Was the Yemi Eko addressed his last words to really the cloud that killed him? (3.5)
And if so, could it also be Kate’s horse (2.9) and Dave (2.18)?
What IS with all the dead people showing up? (Yemi, Boone, Ana-Lucia, Christian) (3.5, 3.3, 2.21, 1.5, respectively)
Whatever it is, why did the monster kill Eko this time? (3.5)
Why didn’t Ben grab Jack earlier in the series, since he’s known about the tumor all this time? (3.6)
What is Ben and Alex’s interest in each other? (3.6)
What do the Others have Sawyer and Kate working on? (3.6)
Who is Jacob and what’s the significance of HIS list? (3.6)
What will happen in Episode 3.7? RUN!!!! (to be answered 2/7/07)