Sunday, April 08, 2007


Interesting title, those silly Rapture books, the week before Easter.

What a hardcore damn opening. In slo-mo, still outofcontrol fast. Juliet’s training is clearly highlighted here. Such a freaking plant by Ben, etc.

And the big Cassidy fakeout! Figured it had to be a Sawyer flashback. Kate rocks the Cowboy Up cap, an expression Sawyer’s used twice before in the series, deriving from the Luke Perry flick 8 Seconds. Dylan McKay abides.

How cool to have Kate messing with the backgammon right before Locke comes into the rec room, which also has a box of MouseTrap in it, his two favorite games. Shoots us right back to 1.2 and 1.19, lots of old school references in this episode and we haven’t even hit the titles yet. Is this the first time that Locke knows what he’s doing and isn’t just trusting to blind faith, is he really laying an elaborate mousetrap for the Hostiles? Don’t you bet on it, Ruth.

(It is testament to how great this show is that they can arbitrarily* murder my favorite character with a deaf ear to how the story should be served and just castrate my #2 and original favorite and even with these missteps, I continue to be annihilated by what takes place week after week at longitude 4.815 latitude 162.342)

O man, and now Locke is the latest big dangling mystery, those bastards. What is with the Cooper-nanite? So great to hear Locke just adopt the party lingo, “good person” and all. He dropped the “Lemme out”, certainly deliberately echoing Ana’s call to, ah, Eko in 2.3. Walk away, sumbitch. We’ll see you in a few weeks. Damn it.

And Sawyer’s back to Watership Down! The first book he ever read, none-too-subtle implication that he’s read every book on the island. Too bad Desmond’s O’Brien madness imploded in the Swan. Great book, everybody. The Third Policeman. I will always maintain that James Ford on a B-plot cannot be topped.

And 7 nobody Hostiles to effect the Leaving Behind. Using a canister from a real-world company, looks like, ALS Technologies. Wow, is this the first on-island brand name that Alvar Hanso’s had nothing to do with? The humanity!

Kate killed her stepfather because he was a “bad guy”. Huh.

They handcuff her to Juliet? Could there be ANY reason for that other than facking SET-UP? I hope Miz Capulet shows her hand sooner than later, because this is too apparent, m’friends.

(I don’t watch THE UNIT. Even seeing David Palmer hawking insurance on a commercial really really hurts. Wayne sucks. Hah, apply that to this week of 24 and LOST)

I got called this week on not referring to the Koreans as the Kwons. As usual, if Hurley doesn’t speak my words, Sawyer does.

“You’re worse than a girl” into what follows is pretty awesome.

Every not-wasted motion, every eyeblink. Juliet is such a badass well-honed snake, and the sole Others/Hostile flashback we have is that she was a civilian 3 years ago, so all of her training is since then. Snake, snake in the camp.

I think Kate might win Best Line with “Welcome to the wonderful world of not knowing what’s going on.” which I just could not let slide by the first time without hollering “Been two and a half years!”

(hey, 8-sided tile in the bathroom above the toilet in the motel room’s while Cassidy makes Kate tell her what the hell’s going on. Dharma! Reminds of that too-cool-in-hindsight shot of Michael in 1.14 discovering the drawings that Walt never got in his wife’s Sydney house with the same octagon configuration above him, thirteen episodes before Marvin Candle’s first appearance)

Ah, rain. Does anyone believe that’s still natural?

“Ben has a thing for mindgames.” #2 line. And Catfight! Hardcore part II

Great to have the girls aping Boone/Shannon hiding in the tree enclave juxtaposed with classic Friday the 13th slasher POV. And then one and two flashes. Knew there would have to be three and four, and then it retreats! What does it mean? This does hearken back to the original monster reveal in 2.10 when it showed Eko nine or ten relevant scenes from his life in about two seconds, but the flashes certainly weren’t as pronounced. I’d say this was new material. Maybe the first time ol Cerberus read a Hostile? If we believe a fourth of what she says? Time will tell.

Sawyer’s weakest excuse of all time “I don’t like blankets” probably bumps the Ben line for #2.

Okay and see that’s it right there, Juliet is lying and fucking with Kate about not knowing Cerberus and says pull my other shoulder out of its socket if you don’t believe me and then in a few minutes, she’s known all along. O, these lying liar Other Hostiles arrgh island____as always, the mind deteriorates to the Rev. Gaye . . . What is going ON?

Fourth time it’s been dislocated, then she pulls a Riggs. Elizabeth Mitchell really is a stellar addition, the whole Broke his heart speech. Plus you can barely tell that over the top of her face it’s JULIET acting too, not pure and sincere in emotional response in a way that Kate is, or was this time.

Fun times, while sniping boar with Desmond, Lindelof can’t resist having Sawyer reference the title of the Boone/hallucination episode 1.13, Hearts & Minds. So many layers.

It strikes me that choosing Kate’s mom’s name Diane has something to do with Twin Peaks, but I honestly hope not. Because she and Norm’s Vera can never be topped as best off-screen characters of all time. And Kate’s mom is clearly an idiot.

“I know why his father died.” Juliet, you are so interesting to me. Are you lying, even now? Great retort to Kate about Shephard lore. But is he dead? Christian? Hey, it’s Easter, right now.

And such a great regression to the original themes. Run or the monster (Unknown) will get you. Except my boy, my beast, makes a wonderful appearance for us this episode, all but confirms that he is the Cerberus I’ve been calling him since 2.17 with his three barking dogs’ heads snapping at muddy Juliet. The numbers we see her key in to deactivate the electromagnetic field are of course 1623. (just give me a few seconds and I could do it, too!)

Either there’s infinite vertical with that field or Cerberus is less clever than a cloud of nanites ought to be.

Sawyer as defacto leader. Clearly. Dharma A-1 and paprika! It is better when Lindelof writes. Hurley cons Sawyer. And a quick no-dialogue musical montage! For a second. I honestly forgot to look for those. What a joy. Cue the tremolo picked mandolins.

And see, Kate, she knows exactly where Sayid will be, in the backyard! Do not trust this one.

Wow, you can see Jack just formulating the new game plan right away, with Kate in his hall. He asks, as tactfully as he can about Facking Capulet, then decides he’s the leader, still, as always. And no GrindHouse Iraqi will step to his will. Fox really does so much acting, the acceptance of the shithand Kate has drawn for him, here in his two minutes. As always, island faithful, it bears rewatching. Something in the eye-blinking.

Why o why didn’t Lindelof think that Cassidy should have told Kate Sawyer’s name? That, to me, would’ve explained a whole chunk of questionable attracted to/repelled by 1st season shenanigans in the sweetest little retcon I’ve yet to encounter. I guess he just didn’t find it believable enough that she wouldn’t have brought it up before now, but I disagree. Great tease, though.

And Juliet’s now provisionally One of Us. Snake in the grass, boys and girl. Walk on home.

*because Adewale wanted out, jumped ship, first to vote himself off the island, but the saga noticeably suffered, his exit felt, at the time, dictated, and I could tell, didn't ring true, finding out that it was his call not the writers’ did not please me, because I don’t want this world bleeding into my island. Ever. The Saga is true and it is only we who are the liars.


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