Tuesday, August 15, 2006


great episode.

when they give it you, they pour it on, love how they addressed both cliffhangers before the title, that big dude just whupped the raft guys and desmond shot his computer (and we find out its a lockecentric episode, joy!)

here's the thing, though. not sure about the flashbacks this season. time might tell on some of them. but michael's really seemed like filler last wk, not worth it. and dammit, locke's felt like that this wk, appalling use of my favorite character. katey sagal was great and it was definitely fun to see locke and peg bundy dating but what was the point of showing us that? so that locke could tell jack it was a leap of faith? he could have done so w/o the flashback and i don't think it would have been any more resonant, the faith vs. science thing w/ jack is out in the open. look at the other two locke episodes, walkabout, obviously was huge, one of the best eps of serial tv ever, big wheelchair reveal at the end. then deus ex machina was great, that whole thing with his father cheating him and we were sure something was going to happen to his legs . . . this, what, he's still mad at his father (who seemed unrealistic in his dismissal, you took the dude's kidney!) and it's ruining his already crap life? last season's flashbacks felt vital, tense, as important as what was happening on the island. so far, not so. hope they correct it. don't show us hurley buying a lottery ticket, show something that reveals a heretofore unglimpsed fact about his motivation or character. that's what works. new territory.

so, ana lucia returned, no twin or anything. seems like those are just the people from the tail, not the 'others' that took walt. deliberately vague word, we don't know if the pirates who took walt are rousseau's others or not, now we have this second (or third) group. very crowded island, yes? hope we get a flashback on the big dude, couldn't place his accent. boy did he whup ass, looked crazy doing it, too.

loved the dharma initiative orientation so much, perfect medium to drop this information. copyright 1980 the hanso corporation. was that doctor's name candle? weird footage of the grad students that founded it, parapsychologists etc, what do they mean having two polar bears fighting as the example of zoology? and crazy establishing shot of alver (sp?) hanso through a window in his office. confirmed that electromagnetic waves are what's being studied. 'there was an incident'. the question is, is the countdown thing real? or is this just a study about the effect of magnetic waves on the sleep-deprived. of course we have riddles within questions within answers, who is kelvin? (kelvin, yes, not calvin?) how did desmond get to the island? how did kelvin die?

and why did desmond just take off w/o a gas mask or something, innoculations strong enough to survive direct contact with what's in the air? he's raving.

i liked the way locke played jack (who's really been more of a tool this season, so far) killer last line 'i'll take the first shift' and we're left to wonder about the new status quo and the fate of the prisoners. seems like sayid should be able to figure out what's going on down there, now that he's access, see just what we're counting down to. i mean, that Apple II's got to be connected to something, right? we'll see.

"dharma initiative" in quotes only has one hit on google. bet that'll last.

what did anyone else think?


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